Is That Too Bad?

June 29, 2012 — Leave a comment

This week @FFWCchurch we will be completing the expositional teachings of Ruth. Our series “Soap to Swag” has been jam packed with life lessons. Who knew the bible times version of “As The World Turns” could be so good? So good in fact that our next series may have to be geared toward explaining to the men of the church that watching soaps isn’t very manly, even if you call them “my stories” (You know who you are and should be ashamed, very ashamed).

The crazy thing about Ruth however, is that this beautiful, heart tugging romance is less about Ruth and Big Bad Boaz and more about your past and God! Ummm excuse me pastor but isn’t that reaching a tad bit? Well I’m glad this is an open blog and you felt comfortable enough with me to ask, but no, no it’s not. That’s the beauty of this book. You think your reading a love saga about a girl with no chance of making a future and her possible hookup with a hard working, wealthy, perfectly single and available man. But, the truth is that somewhere between the tissues and bonbons God is yelling through the words that this story is about you and him.

God chose for failures, fornicators, freaks, and foes to be in his direct bloodline! I mean we all have that cousin who no one wants to claim but Jesus hand picked these punks, prostitutes, and problematic people for his family tree! Why? Again, I’m glad your comfortable enough to ask, but please keep the questions to a minimum. I am trying to write a blog here FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY!! Personally I believe he picked these specific people because he wanted you to know that no matter what kind of lifestyle you came from God planned all along to redeem you from it. There is no chasm to deep that could separate you from Christ’s redemptive love. The choice is up to you.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9 NIV)


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